Sign Up to Participate in the People Analytics Network Census

Join us as we map and understand the global network of People Analytics professionals and deliver key insights and results back to the community. We are currently analyzing data from the 2025 People Analytics Network Census. Sign-up now to participate in the 2026 PANC!
Thank you for signing up! We will be in touch as soon as the next PANC launches.
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What is the People Analytics Network Census (PANC)?

Imagine if we could map the connections between all of the People Analytics professionals globally? To truly understand the global People Analytics network. And not just once but periodically so that we could understand the evolution of that network over time. That’s the idea behind the People Analytics Network Census!

We want to understand the global People Analytics network and then use that data to deliver insights back to the community and to help both the community overall as well as individuals through those insights.
Why should I participate?
We believe there are at least four reasons why you should participate:

Personal Network Report

The core team wants to make sure that we deliver tangible benefits to everyone who participates in the PANC. The survey will include an option to opt-in to receive a personal network report which will give you insight into where you sit in the overall network and how you compare to others. This report will not include any names other than your own.

Insights to the Community

We will be delivering insights back to the global People Analytics community after the conclusion of the survey. This will include an online webinar that all participants will be invited to as well as a presentation by David Green, Richard Rosenow and Andrew Pitts at People Analytics World 2025 in London.

Recognition of Influencers

The survey includes a question to opt-in to being identified as an influencer. The core team plans to identify a number of different types of influencers in the community and, if you opt-in to being named as an influencer, you may find that you are included in the list of identified influencers.

Participate in NYU Research

Matthew Diabes from NYU has included a short set of questions in the survey designed to improve our understanding of the relationship between certain IO Psychology measures and network position. By participating in the PANC you will be contributing to this important research.

What is the timeline? Why are you using a two-step approach?

We started analyzing the results of the 2025 PANC in January 2025 and will be progressively sharing the results over 2025. We anticipate launching the 2026 PANC towards the end of 2025. Everyone who signed up for the 2025 PANC will be included. If you have not already signed up please express your interest by signing up on this page ahead of the launch.
The reason for this two step approach (first registering your interest via the form on this page and then later taking the survey) is because of the nature of network surveys - we want to make sure that we have high quality data for the pick list of individuals that you and others will be able to select from for the relationship questions in the survey, i.e. the questions that seek to map the network of relationships between People Analytics practitioners. We will use the registrations from this page to help populate that pick list (and will also supplement it with publicly available data to ensure as much coverage as possible).

Who will have access to my data? What is your privacy policy?

The nature of a network survey means that responses cannot be anonymized. However, everyone involved in coordinating the PANC is very aware of the sensitivity of the data that we will be collecting and the importance of maintaining both confidentiality and privacy.
The data will be collected via Polinode using the Polinode relationship-based survey tool. After collection, personally identifying information will be removed and a unique identifier will be assigned to each record. Only the core team listed above will have access to the row level data for analysis. This dataset, with PII removed, will be used for all analysis (with the mapping back to individuals used to prepare personal network reports and for influencer identification).

Under no circumstance will your data be shared with any third-parties or used for marketing purposes (including by Polinode or the Distribution Partners). Your data will only be used for the purposes of the People Analytics Network Census. You may find further information regarding our approach to privacy in the Privacy Policy for the PANC.

How is the Society for People Analytics (SPA) involved?

SPA is committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive community where people analytics professionals can thrive. All of the core team members of the PANC want to make sure that the PANC is community driven and serves the People Analytics community. The Society for People Analytics is representing this community to provide oversight and to help make sure that the PANC best serves the global People Analytics community.

How is New York University involved?

There is a section in the survey that is designed to measure the relationship between certain IO Psychology measures and network position. Matthew Diabes from New York University is leading this research component of the People Analytics Network Census. The PANC has also benefited from the review and oversight provided by the NYU Institutional Review Board by virtue of Matthew’s involvement and research.

How is Polinode involved?

Polinode is a platform for both Passive and Active Organizational Network Analysis (ONA). We will be using Polinode’s Active ONA functionality to run the People Analytics Network Census survey. We will also be using Polinode network analysis functionality to analyze the resulting network data. Polinode will not be using the results of the survey for any marketing purposes (or any purpose other than the People Analytics Network Census).    

How will the results be shared?

We plan to share the results in two ways:


All respondents to the survey will be invited to a virtual webinar where we will share key insights and results with the community; and

In Person

Barry Swales from People Analytics World has generously provided for some time in the People Analytics World London program for us to further drill in to the results and share them with the community.

How do I get in touch if I have questions?

Please send an email to if you have any questions or would like to get in touch. We will make sure that your message finds its way to the right core team member. You can also use the Contact Us button at the top right of this page if you prefer.

Finally, if you haven't signed up yet, we've included the sign-up form at the bottom of this page to save you from having to scroll back up to the top!
Thank you for signing up! We will be in touch as soon as the next PANC launches.
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